Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Entry!

Hello, this is my first blog entry obviously. This blog will chronicle my successes, failures, and attempts at different things in life.

I try a lot of projects, some turn out well, some not so much. My dad's comment a long time ago was "You know just enough to get yourself in trouble". Well that's pretty much true. I know just enough to try pretty much anything, sometimes with comical results. This tenacity is a personality trait I've always had so it isn't going to change any time soon.

I can remember taking apart my bike as a kid and repairing my remote control car with a soldering iron in junior high school. Throughout high school I picked up some automotive maintenance skills from my dad but was always discouraged from taking auto shop classes. The school counselors steered me towards engineering classes saying auto shop would be a waste of time. Really? Please give me a break. How many people don't know how to change a tire now? I mean I can draft up plans and really know how to use one of those eraser bags, excellent skills for the real world.

The first week after I arrived at college the alternator failed on my car, not a good start to school. The dealership originally told me the replacement cost would be $700 :( . They later were able to replace it for $350, still a huge amount of money to a college kid. After that little lesson I went to the library and started reading books on automotive maintenance. The alternator started my path of automotive projects which then led into a lot of other project attempts. I wasn't smart enough to know that I shouldn't dive in to something, just smart enough to know how to get elbow deep into a project.

I have a lot of projects I can share and hopefully I'll be able to make it entertaining. Feel free to make comments!

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